VITEEE 2023 Previous Year Papers: Download latest Model Papers in PDF

VITEEE 2023 Previous Year Papers: Greetings, prospective candidates. As it is widely known, the VITEEE 2023 Exam Date is scheduled to be announced between the 28th and 31st of May 2023. This examination will be administered by VIT University. If you aspire to pass the VIT Engineering Entrance Exam successfully and are seeking VITEEE previous year papers, you have arrived at the appropriate destination. Within this article, you may obtain the VIT Engineering Entrance Exam Previous Year Paper in PDF format.

Exam Pattern

Before we discuss the VITEEE 2023 Previous Year Papers, Let’s have a look at the exam pattern of VITEEE 2023.

SubjectTotal No of Questions
Mathematics / Biology40

Previous Year Papers

Here is the link to download the previous year Papers for VITEEE. You may also use these question papers asked in the Previous year VITEEE Entrance Examination as a model paper or a Previous Year paper for VITEEE 2021. Let us have a look.

Subject Name sample Paper
Target VITEEE 2021 – Past 14 Years (2019-2006) Solved Papers + 10 Mock Tests 9th EditionClick here
Physics VIT Engineering Entrance Exam BookClick here

Sample Paper

These Sample paper will help you to get updated with the latest syllabus and Expected questions to be asked in VITEEE. It will help you to score well in the VITEEE 2023 Entrance Examination. Here is the Subject wise divided list for VITEEE Sample Paper.

Note: Download the sample paper VITEEE Click here


We are pleased to present a collection of e-books covering a range of subjects including Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics. We encourage you to peruse these e-books as they offer valuable insights and knowledge that can prove beneficial for your academic pursuits and respective examinations.

Physics E-Books

In this table, we have delineated the Physics E-books in accordance with their respective chapters. Prospective readers may access the E-books for any given chapter of physics by clicking on the corresponding link.

TopicsDownload Here
Units and MeasurementClick Here
Laws of MotionClick Here
Work, Energy and PowerClick Here
Rotational MotionClick Here
GravitationClick Here
Properties of Solids and LiquidsClick Here
ThermodynamicsClick Here
Kinetic Theory of GasesClick Here
KinematicsClick Here

Chemistry E-Books

In this table, we have delineated the Chemistry E-books in accordance with their respective chapters. Prospective readers may access the E-books for any given chapter of chemistry by clicking on the corresponding link.

TopicsDownload Here
Solid StateClick here
Atomic StructureClick Here
Chemical BondingClick Here
Molecular StructureClick Here
Equilibrium involving chemical processesClick Here
Redox Reactions and Electro-chemistryClick Here

Mathematics E-Books

In this table, we have delineated the Mathematics E-books in accordance with their respective chapters. Prospective readers may access the E-books for any given chapter of mathematics by clicking on the corresponding link.

TopicsDownload Here
Sets, Relations and Functions,Click Here
Complex NumbersClick Here
Matrices and DeterminantsClick Here
ProbabilityClick Here
StatisticsClick Here
Integral CalculusClick Here
Differential EquationClick Here
Vector AlgebraClick Here
TrigonometryClick Here
Coordinate GeometryClick Here
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About Nitika Sinha

Nitika Sinha is a dedicated content curator at Edufever, a prominent platform in the educational sector. Armed with a postgraduate degree, Nitika specializes in meticulously mapping medical institutions across India. With a profound passion for nursing education in the country, she is committed to providing valuable insights and resources to aspiring healthcare professionals. Nitika's expertise lies in researching, compiling, and presenting information that serves as a guiding light for students navigating through the complexities of medical education in India. Her unwavering dedication to her field makes her an invaluable asset to both Edufever and the larger academic community.

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